Why 2021 is the Perfect Time for Companies to Get Professional Patent Translation Services

Professional Patent Translation Services

Globalization and the rapid growth of technology have extended the global boundaries for companies and inventors in an unprecedented fashion. With the rise of technological inventions comes an increasing demand for those inventions to be protected. No inventor wants his/her ideas to be used locally or globally without their permission or authentications.

Professional Patent Translation Services

In 2020, 399,055 patents were issued to inventors by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Twenty years ago, that number was only 182,218. This rapid surge in the number of patent applications being granted every year is both good and bad. A company looking to protect its extensive collection of patents in multiple jurisdictions may find it hard to cut across international boundaries.

That’s because each jurisdiction has very strict language requirements, especially when patents involve the use of domestic languages. If you want your patents to have exclusive rights in foreign countries, you’ll have to file them in those specific countries. Your patent documents need to be drafted with absolute accuracy.

Why Translate Patents?

If you’re not a master of your target countries’ languages, your patent applications will be treated with uncertainty. That’s why top corporations frequently get patent translation services. Inventors can, of course, choose not to translate their patent documents to other languages.

For instance, if your patent documents are written in English, you can apply for patent protection in English-speaking countries like Canada, the U.K., the United States, India, etc., without needing professional translation. English is the filing language in these countries, so you can have patented rights in several countries without spending anything on translation.

But, your patents won’t be protected in other major regions of the world, such as Latin America, the GULF regional bloc, China, or Russia. Hence, receiving worldwide patent protection by investing in professional translation services is the best strategy for inventors or companies who want to gain substantial competitive advantages in their industries.

The Undeniable Skills of Professional Patent Translators

Poor translations lead to countless patent refusals. Unless the translations are done with utmost precision, they can have serious repercussions for the patent applicants. Professional patent translators perform lengthy translations every day of their professional lives. They follow the pre-requisite timelines related to patent filing processes in different jurisdictions to give their clients the best chance of receiving approval. 

Clear Understanding of Statutory Obligations in Different Jurisdictions

Most patent offices across different jurisdictions demand patent applications to be translated. Be it a standard patent filing or a Patent Cooperation Treaty filing (PCT) - translations are statutory requirements in most countries. Patent laws in different countries are similar in some ways and completely different in other ways. For example, a non-European inventor will find it very difficult to understand the European Patent Convention’s Article 65 (1).

The laws about specific official languages are very complex and can only be comprehended by experts. Similarly, if an inventor opts for a PCT filing, he or she will have to follow countless translation-related rules set by the International Preliminary Examining Authority.

Professional patent translators minimize the risk of misunderstanding these complex legal requirements. They have experience in translating patent applications in several languages and for several jurisdictions. Getting their timely services is the best way for inventors to obtain I.P. protection in multiple jurisdictions.

Technical Translations

The more complex and technological the claims in your patent application, the harder it’ll be to translate them. Complex technologies need to be explained very clearly in patent applications. So, people with no expertise in translating technical documents usually make a lot of errors.

Errors in patent translation, especially when the patents contain a lot of technical terms and concepts, can lead to disastrous consequences like project delays, idea theft, and permanent ineligibility to receive patent protection in certain jurisdictions. Without proper translation, inventors can’t conduct patent searches.

They need accurate translations to conduct prior art searches or FTO searches in different countries. That’s why partnering with professional patent translators who know all the legal and technical terms is so vital for companies and inventors.

They have plenty of experience in translating technical documents. They can translate utility or design patent applications into multiple languages and prepare the documents for multiple jurisdictions without making any mistakes.

Why 2021 is the Perfect Time for Professional Patent Translation Services?

Patents hold immense power, especially in today’s world, where almost everything is reliant on new inventions and new technologies. Innovation is in the air. Companies looking to build strong patent portfolios need to protect their ideas as aggressively as possible. By partnering with professional patent translators, these companies can enjoy hassle-free patent filing processes and patent protection processes.

Why risk having your invention leaked by getting your patents translated, edited, and redone by multiple translators? If you want to lead the world of innovations for the next decade, you will need reliable patent translation experts who offer one-time solutions on your team!

Source: Business Diary Philippines

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