15 residents of priority barangays in Ifugao train on taro processing

TINOC, Ifugao, Aug. 27(PIA)- - Residents of six priority barangays of this town  were trained on taro  processing at the Mugao Training Center at Barangay Impugong last week.

Trainers from the Ifugao State University –Main Campus located at Nayon in Lamut  town were tapped to impart their knowledge and skills to the participants from Barangays Ahin, Tuccucan, Wangwang, Luhong, Danggo and Eheb.

The activity spearheaded by the local government unit here, in partnership with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority-Ifugao, aims to help the families in the communities to have an alternative livelihood and additional income aside from their vegetable industry to lift their economic situation from the threshold of poverty  especially with the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis.

Taro or galyang is abundant in this town and the processed foods and various products from this root crop can be sold to add income for the families.  

 The project is under the Poverty Reduction, Livelihood and     Employment Cluster of the Provincial Task Force on Ending   Local Communist Armed Conflict (ELCAC)   in line with the   efforts of the government to help support and improve the     lives   of the people and develop the community that have   been   affected or under the influence of communist terrorist   groups for a long time.

 Tinoc and Asipulo are the identified priority ELCAC   areas in Ifugao. (JDP/DBC-PIA CAR, Ifugao)

Source: Philippines Information Agency (pia.gov.ph)

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