How to Start a Banana Wine Making Business

How to Start a Banana Wine Making Business 1

How to make banana wine and how to start banana wine making business. [caption id="attachment_13844" align="alignnone" width="600"] via:[/caption] Banana wine is a liquor made from banana fruit. It can be made dry or sweet depending upon the recipe and can be blended with other wines to add body and flavors. Banana is a good source of sugars and fibers which make it a good source of energy. Banana Wine Recipe I. Estimated Investment Cost A. Cost of Materials and Equipments Stove with tank - P3500 Double boiler - 900 Colander, 2 pcs @180 - 360 Mixing bowl, 2 pcs @180 - 360 Weighing scale - 500 Measuring cups - 90 Measuring spoons - 35 Earthen jars (8 gal. capacity, 2 pcs @400/pc) - 800 Knife, 2 pcs @70/ pc - 140 Casseroles, 2 pcs (big) @220/pc - 440 Cheese cloth, 2 yards, P20/yrd - 40 SUBTOTAL - P7,165.00 B. Raw Materials Ripe Bananas, 100pcs @ 1/pc - 100 Brown Sugar, 1 kg. @ 35/ kg - 140 Yeast, 1 small can - 35 Mother liquor, 4 L @ 30/L - 120 Eggs, 30 pcs @ 5/pc - 150 Bottles, 3 cases @400/ case - 1,200 Plastic Seal, P25/100 pcs - 25 SUBTOTAL - P1,770 Estimated Investment Cost - P8,935.00 II. Procedure 1. Peel ripe bananas and slice thinly 2. Measure. For every 1 part of sliced banana add 1 1/2 parts of water. 3. Boil for 30 minutes or longer, depending upon the quantity of the pulp. 4. Strain. 5. Add sugar to the extract (one part sugar to every three parts of banana extract). 6. Boil the mixture while stirring constantly to dissolve the sugar. Sugar content should be 22-24 degrees Celsius. In temperature. 7. Allow to cool. 8. Place in a clean glass container. 9. Inoculate with yeast (1 tbsp of yeast to every 40 liters of boiled sweetened juice). 10. Plug mouth of glass container with a clean piece of paper to protect from dust. 11. Ferment for a month. 12. Siphon out the clear fermented liquid. 13. Filter and transfer to a sterilized oak barrel for aging. 14. Cover hole with a wooden plug and seal with melted paraffin. 15. Age for 2 years or longer. 16. Clarify the wine by heating the aged wine in steam bath or double boiler to a temperature of 55-60oC. While heating the wine, add well-beaten egg whites. (8 egg whites to every 30 liters of wine) 17. Stir for 15-20 minutes to maintain the temperature. 18. Cool. 19. Filter the wine and bottle by siphoning into clear and sterilized bottles. III. Estimated Costing and Pricing (for 1 bottle of banana wine) A. Product Costing Direct Cost Ripe Bananas, 100pcs @ 1/pc - 100 Brown Sugar, 1 kg. @ 35/ kg - 140 Yeast, 1 small can - 35 Mother liquor, 4 L @ 30/L - 120 Eggs, 30 pcs @ 5/pc - 150 Bottles, 3 cases @400/ case - 1,200 Plastic Seal, P25/100 pcs - 25 Labor - 21.22 TOTAL DIRECT COST - 1,791.22 Indirect Cost Water (P220 consumption/36 bottles/22 days - 0.28 Electricity consumption (P750/36 bottles/22 days) - 0.95 Contingency cost (10% of direct cost - P1,791.22/36 x 10%) - 4.98 TOTAL INDIRECT COST - 6.21 Production Cost Total Direct Cost P1,791.22/36 bottles - 49.76 Add: Total Indirect Cost - 6.21 Production Cost per bottle - P55.97 B. Product Pricing Production Cost per bottle - 55.97 Add: 20% mark-up - 11.19 Selling Price per bottle - P67.16 Market Price/ piece - P100 - 150 Note: The higher the volume of production cost per day (more than 36 bottles) the lower the production cost, thus increasing the mark-up to more than 20%. If price per kilo is lower compared with the existing market price, increase mark-up to 20% or more. IV. Register and Get permits/ Licenses here. V. Funding sources for your business here. Source:

Source: Business Diary Philippines

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