Why Not All Customers Are a Good Fit for Your Business

Why Not All Customers Are a Good Fit for Your Business 1

Businesses around the world changed a lot in the past century. There is much change in terms of product offering, marketing strategies, business ethics, and much more. But one ethic that many of the businesses still follow is the mantra, “The customer is always right.” which was given by Harry Gordon Selfridge in 1909. This mantra is the core structure of many customer-centric company’s business models. This is because 83% of the companies believe in customer satisfaction and experience higher revenue. Not only have this 81% of the companies felt that customer experience as a competitive differentiator.

Good Fit for Your Business

With the ever-growing competition in the business world, customers switching due to poor service costs U.S companies a total of $1.6 trillion loss; this is why some companies even move to ridiculous distances to satisfy their customers. This is mainly seen for e-commerce companies, and the PHP script they develop revolves around a customer's satisfaction.

However, in today’s world, where there are other things to worry about, having a customer-centric ideology seems outdated and irrelevant. Customers are an essential part of the business, but we should also make efforts to protect our best interests as business owners. Sometimes this ideology can prove to be self-destructive to the companies. There should be boundaries drawn up to which you are ready to comply for the sake of service, but beyond that, it's not possible for you. Identify the wrong customers who are not fit for your business and deny their demands; this will make things easier. 

Where you should find out your boundaries?

Sometimes saying no to a customer becomes inevitable for a business, but doing it appropriately and effectively is a valuable skill every business owner should learn. All this begins with identifying circumstances under which you should probably say “no.” to your customers.

When you need to choose between company’s policy and customers

Customers who urge you to defy the company’s policy and gain the extra mile to obtain special favours or discounts from your end are not worth keeping. Although, as a business, you always intend to provide complete customer satisfaction and solve their problems, these types of customers might force you to give in to their non-viable demands against the company’s policies.

When the desire and expectations of the customer are impractical

“Change is the only constant” this proverb is true for businesses also as they need to evolve with time. These changes can be triggered due to a process change or a design change in your product. However, this doesn’t please every customer, some of them will even request you to change thing back as it was earlier. But these demands are impractical because changes happen as they are crucial for the growth of your business. So, you should focus on these customers and instead focus on the larger group of customers who accept the changes and move forward.

?  When there is a need to exercise self-preservation

A business owner’s time and energy both are limited. Devoting that time and energy to solve a customer's problem can only be justified when the issue is realistic and solving it makes the customer happy. A grateful customer makes all the time and energy we invested in solving the problem worth it. There are times when declining ridiculous demands of customers can keep us sane. It is essential to figure out whom to focus on and whom to deny as they are not a good fit for your business.

How you can use the power of “No”?

Sometimes we have to say "no" to the customers' demands, but it is a delicate matter that should be handled with utmost care. Suppose you do not handle this situation properly. In that case, it can have a negative impact on your brand image and reputation as Americans tell an average of 15 people about a bad customer service experience but speak only 11 people about a good experience, seen in a survey by American express.  There are several ways to deny customers without hampering the business, as mentioned in some e-commerce PHP; read more here to know about ecommerce PHP script.

1. Explaining the reason

Your company's customers deserve an explanation for your denial of fulfilling their request, whether they are a good customer or a bad one. Be direct in explaining why you cannot fulfil their demands; at the same time, be as polite as possible. If they are good, they will understand your situation, but if some don't fall in this category, you need to explain why they are not a good fit for your business with respect.

2. Provide an alternative to the customer

Some customers are not happy with a particular product or service of your company, in place of making them leave, try offering a different product or service with similar benefits as an alternative. In some cases, you can refer them to other companies that provide the same service as yours; in this way, you are not making them leave empty-handed.

3. In an extreme case, hung up immediately

In extreme cases of customer encounters, you come across clients or customers with toxic behaviour; in those cases where you don’t want to work with toxic clients, deny as soon as possible. Do not entertain such clients just because you need money or you don’t have projects in your hand. Avoid bad clients with as little drama as possible. You will feel lucky in the long run.


Customer centrality may be the new benchmark for many firms like automobiles, telecommute services, e-commerce, and many more. Many of the businesses are thriving on this ideology as well. But even the fortune 500 companies that it is impossible to satisfy everyone’s demand, many e-commerce companies come in this category. This is why the PHP script of e-commerce companies revolves around this. But for some cases, you need to say no to save yourself, your employees, and your company. If the clients are not pleased with any cost, it's better to walk away upholding a positive impression in their minds.

About The Author :-


Hermit Chawla is a MD at AIS Technolabs which is a Web/App design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by Global Clients. He love to share his thoughts on Web & App Development, Clone App Development and Game Development.

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Source: Business Diary Philippines

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