When You Should Consider Changing Careers and How to Do It Right

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Sometimes we love a career or job at first, but through the years we start to decide we would rather do something else. It can be tempting for many reasons to stay on your current career path because you have relevant experience, contacts, and knowledge. However, there are some good reasons to think about changing career paths.

Let’s look at some of the best reasons to consider changing careers before looking at how you may be able to change careers responsibly.

Too Much Stress

Work can be stressful and that is true for virtually any career choice. However, your well-being is important and if the stress continues to pike up, then you would probably like to reduce or eliminate those anxieties. Some careers are certainly more stressful than others and part of it depends on your personality type.

You may find other types of careers less stressful for many different reasons. They may not have the heavy workload you are used to, attract your interests, or value your expertise. A lot of people find that they are not as stressed if they are doing something that they somewhat enjoy.

If you are struggling with high levels of stress at your current job, then you may want to check out the helpful answers by therapists at www.betterhelp.com/ca/careers/. This can offer you some guidance on what you can do about your stress and anxiety levels, fatigue, and burnout.

Frequent Boredom

A lot of work is boring, but sometimes it becomes too easy and repetitive. Having challenges at work can be beneficial and make it less boring and more engaging. If you have been at the same company for years, it may have become a routine where you hardly have to think or solve problems. This can make you feel stuck in a rut.

Venturing out to a more challenging career that offers new experiences, in depth tasks, and higher satisfaction can give you the boost you need. If this sounds like you, then you may even want to consider learning a new skill or gaining new knowledge in a subject that interests you.

New Values

As we grow and mature, our values change, sometimes drastically. While the things you valued when you began your career may have aligned with the type of work you do, that does not mean that it still does.

You may be craving different types of work and experiences and may find that your career priorities are much different than they were when you were younger. You may have valued a job with good benefits and high pay more when you were starting out at your job, but now you may desire vacation time or fulfilling work duties.

No Personal Time

Work-life balance is important for our mental health and well-being. Some careers take up more time than others and one that is too demanding for too long can sap your energy and life satisfaction. If you find that you are lacking the time that you desire, then it may be a sign that something needs to change.

If you do not have time to pursue your hobbies or foster your relationships, then you may want to think about changing careers to something that offers more flexibility or time. While most people need work for the income, there needs to be a balance with personal life as well.

Not Happy

If you aren’t happy with the work that you do or the career you chose, then you do not want to remain stagnant. We have one life, and it is not a good idea wasting time being unhappy with your job. In addition, job satisfaction goes a long way towards happiness in your life as a whole.

Things like long hours, too much pressure, tedious tasks, or unpleasant colleagues can impact your happiness both in and out of your work. If the root of your unhappiness resides in your career choice, that is a sign that you need consider a change.


Salary is important and saying that it isn’t is dishonest for most people. Sure, money cannot buy happiness, but lack of money can increase stress and negatively affect well-being. If you find that you are struggling financially or if you are not paid reasonably for the work that you do, then you should consider a career change or at least a job change within your current career.

Poor Leadership

A bad boss can bring down your mood and increase stress. If you feel like your boss demands too much of you or is not qualified to be in charge, then it can impact your productivity and well-being. Poor leadership can coincide with a lack of recognition, low pay, and meaningless benefits that can affect other aspects of your life.

How to Change Careers Responsibly

So, you have decided that it is time for a career change, but that doesn’t make it an easy thing to do. You may have been at your current position for years or even decades and changing that can become complicated.

The first thing you should do is identify what is not working and the things that you actually like about your current career or position. Think about the things that cause you stress or lower your satisfaction levels. Do you have a bad boss, a dreadful commute, or an overwhelming workload? Identifying the exact things, you dislike about your current career can help you shape the type of career you pursue next.

However, there may also be things that you like about your current role. You may like some of the work or motivators within the career path. Or you may just like the career growth and compensation. Either way, identify all of the things that you like so that you can look for a new career that offers similar aspects.

You also want to consider your core values and ideals. This will help you make a good career choice where you fit in with the culture and mission. Finding a position that complements your personality can be very beneficial. You may even want to think of your dream job or career and the things that you envy about it. Is it the freedom, culture, tasks, or something else about your dream career that entices you?

Once you have done these things, you probably have at least one new job or career in mind. Now you will want to look at your own strengths and weaknesses. This will allow you to make sure that you choose something that you will be qualified for. Even if the career you want is in a completely different industry or requires a different skillset, you may have transferable skills that still make you a good person for either career path. You can leverage those skills when hunting for a job as well.

Finally, develop a complete plan. This means that you have to plan your finances for a work break if you do not have a job waiting for you. It also means that you have a plan for getting the most out of your next career as well as contacts that may help you get there. You may also find it beneficial to write down your goals, risks, and other aspects of the change that you can plan for. Writing down potential downfalls can help you plan for when things do not go right.


It can be hard to change careers and many people believe that they will be regarded as a failure or irresponsible for changing careers. However, if you are not happy in your current role or if stress is impacting your well-being, then changing careers may be the best possible option for you as long as you do it right.


marie miguel

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

Source: Business Diary Philippines

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