DOT-DOLE Bayanihan 2 offers aid for COVID-hit tourism sector workers

TAGBILARAN CITY, Bohol, Nov. 14 (PIA) – The Department of Tourism (DOT) partnered with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) in helping displaced tourism industry workers to help COVID-19 critically-affected tourism related businesses, including barangay micro businesses, through cash-for-work as well as cash aid for involuntarilly separated industry workers.

DOT and DOLE are implementing the DOLE COVID Adjustment Measures Program (CAMP) under the Bayanihan to Recover as One (Bayanihan 2) which mandates the two agencies to assist critically hit businesses in the tourism sector, including cooperatives, through cash assistance for employees of DOT-accredited primary or secondary enterprises.

COMMUNITY TOUR GUIDES LICENSED BY LGUs can also avail of the government support to help the COVID-19 affected businesses in the tourism industry, such as the DOT-accredited establishments and individual service frontliners like these tour guides for the dolphin watching of Pamilacan Island Dolphin and Whale Watching Organization in Pamilacan Island Baclayon. (rahc/PIA-7/Bohol file photo)

According to the guidelines in the implementation of CAMP under the Bayanihan 2, the safety net program provides one-time financial aid to COVID-affected formal sector workers in private establishments with P5,000 as one-time cash aid to displaced tourism industry workers. 

This, however, is for displaced workers in DOT-accredited primary and secondary tourism enterprises, qualified community-based tourism organizations, and tour guides, apart from the private sector establishments which the DOLE has been tasked to assist.

DOT and DOLE Joint Memorandum No. 1 series of 2020 cites Section 4 of the Bayanihan 2 Act which directs DOT to assist critically affected tourism enterprises, while Section 10 of the same law mandates the DOLE and DOT to work together in providing cash assistance to DOT-accredited tour guides and LGU–Licensed Tour Guides to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 in the industry.

The law has allocated some P3-B for displaced tourism workers in DOT-accredited primary enterprises, secondary tourism enterprises, non-DOT accredited but LGU-licensed primary enterprises, and members of community-based tourism organizations (CBTO).

Another P100-M is set for displaced tour guides regardless of employment status, but in accordance with DOLE CAMP, says the recovery law.

Eligible are DOT-accredited or LGU-licensed tourism enterprises like accommodation establishments, travel and tour agencies, tourist transport operators, other primary tourism enterprises and tourism frontliners with valid accreditations, or secondary tourism enterprises like restaurants, tourism training centers, tourist shops, zoos, tourism recreation centers, agri farm tour sites, galleries, museums, tourism entertainment complex, and health and wellness centers.

For CBTOs, a copy of the Registration Certificate issued by a government agency or LGU and a list of members as certified by the organization head are the only requirements for eligibility.

For private tourism establishments, qualified are those who have retrenched workforce or implemented temporary or permanent closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including those in the contracting and sub-contracting agreements or centralized payroll systems.

For displaced or temporarily laid-off tourism industry workers due to authorized causes, they can apply individually subject to submission of documentary requirements like a clear selfie of the applicant holding a government issued ID, SSS certificate stating that the applicant is not a recipient of any financial assistance from the agency, and proof of unemployment like Notice of Termination or affidavit of Termination of Employment, from the company.

Excluded from the CAMP DOT assistance, however, are government employees of national and local governments including those in job order status, beneficiaries of Department of Finance’s Small Business Wage Subsidy, SSS Unemployment Benefits, DSWD’s Expanded and Enhanced Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino program, DSWDs Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations, Department of Agriculture’s Cash Assistance to Rice Farmers, and company top officials, owners or those earning P40,000 a month.

Private establishments that have temporarily closed or laid off workers need to submit their payroll or any of the documents stated in DOLE Labor Advisory No. 12-A, series of 2020.

For establishments that have permanently closed, they must submit a payroll or any of the documents specified by the DOLE Labor Advisory and a Notice of Closure as stamped by the LGU.

Applications with complete documentary requirements are to be submitted to the DOT Regional Office for initial evaluation, and when verified as complete, the DOT will direct the applicant to file the application online through

Applicants are given tracking numbers through the same web address and the applicants can also get a feedback of their application from the DOLE Regional Offices, either through notices of approval or denial. (rahc/PIA-7/Bohol)

Source: Philippines Information Agency (

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