Valuable ideas from Brad Beman to start businesses amid a pandemic crisis

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Many people are broken off during the current financial and health crisis owing to the spread of Covid-19. Many of them are looking for ideas to get hold of extra income from their houses. While some aspects of the economy have experienced a halt, many other sectors are still developing. For example, home fitness, delivery services, eCommerce, remote workforces and collaboration tools have experienced a surge in demand.

There are various business options that you may start even in this situation from your house. Most of these may be created online, require limited physical presence, and require little or no equipment.

The feasible business options during COVID-19 as provided by Bradley Beman:

Online fitness classes: with gym and sports areas shut down. It isn't easy to continue with a fitness regime. However, a viable alternative has emerged in the form of online fitness classes. In case you have an athletics background, and there is an excellent opportunity for offering fitness classes and indoor training by using the digital platform, you may start a business in this direction. It becomes instrumental in kids as their parents are more comfortable ensuring their fitness while staying at home.

Personal errand runner or shopper during quarantine: The risk of Covid-19 has limited the movement of individuals. Many of them feel hesitant to visit grocery stores. As a result, there is room for new business options that have more personal touch. In the case of less technology-savvy customers who want to have a conversation with a real person who takes individual care of their issues; this business option may be useful. Moreover, the potential target market may also turn into a long-standing customer.

Accountant, strategic advisor and bookkeeper: even in business, they have to keep their books updated. As a result, according to Bradley J Beman, they require smart accountants who may perform strategic advisors' roles. In this scenario, you may start your business by focusing on getting taxes and books updated.

Financial planner: financial risk is associated with this crisis. In case you have the necessary skills and the certification to provide financial planning, it could be a booming business option, believes Bradley J Beman. Moreover, the service may also get delivered virtually. By combining good financial planning skills with good communication skills, you may succeed in your business venture. For this, you need to have a strong online presence along with relevant pricing and services.

Virtual assistance: with the work from home trend operating worldwide, people are trying to generate income on the digital platform. Moreover, parents are looking for online teaching services to keep their children on track. By offering virtual assistance in teaching, you may get hold of a good source of income.

If any of the above ideas are congruent with your interest, then the best way is to start immediately. For this, you need to write up a business plan and thereby outline the requirements and specifics. Always start with a lean strategy and then get updated with time, explains Bradley Beman.

Source: Business Diary Philippines

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